Update Title: CMS News Releases
Posting Date: 11/05/2017
Posted By: Lynn Thornton, RHIA, CCs
Website Administrator/Founder
Comment: If you click on the URL below and open the webpage to the CMS Press releases it is very
much like reading the newspaper. A quick review shows CMS reacting to the Opioid drug
crisis and acting to help with hurricane and other disaster relief. You don't need to pay for
someone to provide with these updates. They are all published for free on cms.gov. Stay
informed and visit this page often.
Web Link: https://www.cms.gov/Newsroom/MediaReleaseDatabase/Press-releases/2017-Press-releases.html
Posting Date: 11/05/2017
Posted By: Lynn Thornton, RHIA, CCs
Website Administrator/Founder
Comment: If you click on the URL below and open the webpage to the CMS Press releases it is very
much like reading the newspaper. A quick review shows CMS reacting to the Opioid drug
crisis and acting to help with hurricane and other disaster relief. You don't need to pay for
someone to provide with these updates. They are all published for free on cms.gov. Stay
informed and visit this page often.
Web Link: https://www.cms.gov/Newsroom/MediaReleaseDatabase/Press-releases/2017-Press-releases.html
Update Title: Final Policy, Payment and Quality Provisions
in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule For Calendar Year 2018 Posting Date: 11/04/2018 Posted By: Collette Shrader My Coding Coach Compliance Analyst Comment: Several codes have been added for billing of Medicare Telehealth services. |