Medical Science Resources
The Future is Now!
Medicine is constantly evolving, and evolution may be seen in discovering new diseases, advances in surgical procedures, new pharmaceuticals, and the progress in the creation of new medical devices. These advances also impact the coding classifications, and every year new codes are added to reflect these advancements and discoveries.
Top 10 Medical Emerging Technology by Year
Top 10 Medical Emerging Technology by Year
- Mobile stroke units
- Medical device cybersecurity
- Wireless wearable sensors
- Miniature leadless pacemakers
- Blue-violet LED light fixtures
- New high-cost cardiovascular drugs
- Changing landscape of robotic surgery
- Spectral computed tomography
- Injected bioabsorbable hydrogel (SpaceOAR)
- Warm donor organ perfusion systems
- Using the microbiome to prevent, diagnose and treat disease
- Diabetes drugs that reduce cardiovascular disease and death
- Cellular immunotherapy to treat leukemia and lymphomas
- Liquid biopsies to find circulating tumor DNA
- Automated car safety features and driverless capabilities
- Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources
- Ketamine for treatment-resistant depression
- 3-D visualization and augmented reality for surgery
- Self-administered HPV test
- Bioabsorbable stents
- Discovery Of Genes Responsible for Cancer Metastasize
- Development of DNA Test That Predicts Likelihood Of Drug-Based Side Effects
- Simulator To Aid In Successful Cardiac Surgeries
- Inexpensive Method To Diagnose Hepatitis B
- Progress With Artificial Ovaries
- Changing Brain Chemical Imbalances In Drug Addicts
- More User-Friendly And Specialized Apps
- Using Common Bacteria For Medical Imaging Purposes
- Marijuana-Based Epilepsy Drug Earns FDA Approval
- Continued Widespread Adoption Of Electronic Health Records
- Smart Inhalers
- Robotic Surgery
- Wireless Brain Sensors
- 3-D Printing
- Artificial Organs
- Health Wearables
- Precision Medicine
- Virtual Reality
- Telehealth
- Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)
- Augmented Reality
- Virtual reality
- Artificial Intelligence
- Self Knowledge
- Self Diagnosis
- Support Networks
- Digital Pharmacy
- Smart Hospitals
- Interventions
Click on a button below to explore a variety of resources
Video Web link: CBS 5 News Clip on "Virtual Aging Photos May Offer Incentive to Save"
Stanford University
Virtual Human Interaction Lab
Published: May 10, 2011
Stanford University
Virtual Human Interaction Lab
Published: May 10, 2011
Video Web link: Evidence from VHIL Research on Avatars Suggest that You Can Start to Become the Idealized Person You Imagine
Stanford University
Virtual Human Interaction Lab
Published: January 24, 2011
Stanford University
Virtual Human Interaction Lab
Published: January 24, 2011
Video Web link:The NBC Today Show Profiles VHIL Virtual Reality Exercise Research
Stanford University
Virtual Human Interaction Lab
Published: June 10, 2008
Stanford University
Virtual Human Interaction Lab
Published: June 10, 2008
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